Discover our 14 day eco-detox retreat

This is our deepest and most transformative retreat.
Designed by the team of professionals of Ecoayuno, to achieve your maximum wellbeing



El programa Detox de 14 días te ayudará junto a la semana anterior de preparación a poder tomar conciencia de ciertas pautas conductuales en tu alimentación, podrás darte cuenta de los apegos que tienes a cierto tipo de alimentos. Una experiencia transformadora, un verdadero descanso para todo tu organismo, un regalo para todos tus sentidos

Te proponemos un espacio para que el proceso de ayuno líquido Detox sea una experiencia transformadora. El contacto con la naturaleza, las técnicas de respiración, movimiento y meditación ayuda a crear un entorno amable para que podamos contactar con nuestra esencia y reposar unos días del ajetreo al que estamos acostumbradas

Adelgazar o perder peso a través del ayuno es una consecuencia de este trabajo, pero no es nuestra principal motivación. El ayuno no es recomendable como dieta para adelgazar, nosotros no lo contemplamos como tal

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A day of Eco-detox

Ecoayuno offers you a unique experience where every moment counts

07.00 - 09.00 Sungazing + Sadhana
10.00 - 11.00 Mindfulness Walk
(Nature Walk)
11.00 - 11.15 Detox juice
11.30 - 13.00 Yoga class
13.15 - 13.30 Detox juice
16.00 - 17.30 Dance Workshop, Meditation
or Nutrition Talk
19.30 - 20.00 Purification broth
20.30 - 22.00 Documentary Nutrition or lifestyle
22.30 Silence

* Orientative proposal

Advice during fasting

We recommend participating in the yoga, movement and breathing classes.  Not only do they help to activate those parts of the body that are working on cleansing in a relaxed manner, but they also help with the emotional cleansing, help you to reconnect to your essence and creates unique bonds with the rest of the group.

We encourage you not to fall into the temptation of spending too many hours lying down, if you cross the threshold of "imaginary fatigue" the body responds with a pro-active attitude.

It is advisable to take rest during the fast, we recommend spaces of silence and stillness.  This is also a time to rest the body and switch off from the stresses and constant "doing" of everyday life. 

Smoking is in contrast to this detox process and we encourage you to cut down or stop during the retreat, however if this causes more stress and you do want to smoke we ask you do it outside the grounds of the house. 

The use of mobile phones will be limited during the retreat, we recommend the cleansing process to also be accompanied by a "digital detox".